What We Missed: October 8th

Minshew mania keeps on rolling!


Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here to say our goodbyes. Our friend and ally in stalking horndogs, the Instagram following-activity tab, has gone to the great content mill in the sky. The deceased, or rather the absence of the deceased,was first discovered by BuzzFeed. “We’re always working to make Instagram the best space to share and connect with the people and things you love,” an Instagram spokesperson told Vulture on the change. “While this includes introducing new features, it also means removing old ones that may no longer be useful.”

source: https://www.vulture.com/2019/10/instagram-kills-following-activity-tab.html#_ga=2.27080308.89391467.1570364082-1335167486.1540776493

After an embarrassing yet expected 33-7 “home” loss to the Patriots, after which everyone already knew head coach Jay Gruden would be fired ... Washington fired him. This being the Skins, though, they did it in the most disrespectful manner imaginable.

source: https://deadspin.com/the-skins-made-jay-gruden-come-to-the-office-at-5-a-m-1838840771

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