Delaware Ranks 7th for Aggressive Driving

We all know we’re taking our lives into our hands when we get behind  the wheel, because there are just so many bad drivers on the road.  Aggressive driving habits like speeding, rapid acceleration and braking  can be a danger to a lot of folks, and in some areas of the country it’s  way worse than others.

GasBuddy has just come out with their list of the states with the  most aggressive drivers, noting that these folks waste gas and lower  their gas mileage by as much as 40% which can be quite costly.

Overall, California drivers are the most aggressive, going just  6-point-6 minutes between aggressive driving events, followed by those  in Connecticut and Georgia, who go 8-point-2 minutes between events.  When it comes to speeding specifically, Wyoming drivers go the fastest,  with the average speed 55, while folks in Delaware go the slowest, at  only 35 mph. 

Top 10 States With The Most Aggressive Drivers

  1. California
  2. Connecticut
  3. Georgia
  4. Texas
  5. North Carolina
  6. New Jersey
  7. Delaware
  8. Florida
  9. Kentucky
  10. Arizona

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