Toilet Seat Collection for Sale

Barney Smith is the founder and sole employee of suburban San Antonio's  Toilet Seat Art Museum, which is housed in the 96-year-old's garage.  Now, the "King of the Commode" tells the AP he's ready to sell his  collection of 1,350 hand-decorated toilet seats--effectively seeking "an  heir to his thrones." 

The onetime master plumber started decorating the  seats more than 50 years ago, when he began mounting hunting trophies  on them. Nowadays, several of his seats contain significant chunks of  history, like one which features a chunk of the Berlin Wall. “If I would  have just read my Bible as many hours as I spent on my toilet seats,  I’d be a better man,” jokes Smith, who'd like to see his seats housed in  "another museum somewhere."

Source:  AP News

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