What We Missed: October 1st 2019

Well.....Someone owes Chevy a drink!

WeWork has announced it will withdraw its S-1 filing as it seeks to postpone its highly anticipated initial public offering.

The embattled office-sharing start-up formally announced its intent to go public on Aug. 14, revealing massive losses and a confusing corporate structure. Since then, the IPO for WeWork’s parent company, The We Co., has been hanging in the balance, as it delayed its investor roadshow amid weak demand and a dwindling IPO valuation. WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann announced he would step down as CEO and give up some of his voting power on Sept. 24.

source: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/30/wework-says-it-will-file-request-to-withdraw-its-ipo-prospectus-after-roadshow-management-turmoil.html

Public health officials for years have urged Americans to limit consumption of red meat and processed meats because of concerns that these foods are linked to heart disease, cancer and other ills.

But on Monday, in a remarkable turnabout, an international collaboration of researchers produced a series of analyses concluding that the advice, a bedrock of almost all dietary guidelines, is not backed by good scientific evidence.

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/30/health/red-meat-heart-cancer.html?action=click&module=News&pgtype=Homepage

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