The Parent's 4 Gift Rule for Christmas

Tired of piling up presents for your kids under the tree only to have them lose interest in most of them before New Year’s Eve? Maybe you’ll want to try what some parents are doing to save time, money, and to cut back on the excess: follow the “four-gift rule.”

So how does it work?They only give their children these four presents:

  • Something they want
  • Something they need
  • Something they wear
  • Something they read

The trend has been around for a while and it’s seen a recent surge in popularity because parents are frazzled from trying to keep up with their kids’ ambitious wish lists. It allows moms and dads to spend more time thinking about each gift and not have to stress about buying a bunch of stuff they might not be able to afford and their kiddos won’t care about in a couple of weeks anyway. The four-gift rule also gives kids the opportunity to really think about what they need, not just come up with a bunch of stuff they think they want in the moment.

It’s a move away from all the materialism and shifts the focus to quality, not quantity. And it helps parents stick to a reasonable budget, without feeling like Scrooge.


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