Retro Workout Routines to Try at Home!

Getting bored with your at-home workout? If you’re up for blast from the past, you can find all kinds of retro exercise videos hosted by happy pep-talking celebs on YouTube. Some of what they have to say was fine in the 80s or 90s, but sounds a little cringy now, like “sweating off pounds” and “weight loss is a priority,” but they can definitely add some old school fun to your fitness routine. These upbeat, dance-y, cardio-friendly workouts will give you a welcome change from your usual exercise and make you glad no one dresses like this anymore.

  • Richard Simmons Sweatin’ to the Oldies Volume II- This is classic retro fitness at it’s finest and Richard Simmons is like the Bob Ross of workouts. In this video, he makes you feel loved as you shimmy, step, and “sparkle” your way through.
  • Jane Fonda Step Aerobic and Abdominal Workout- Bust out your legwarmers and give this video a try at least once. Jane herself is revisiting her old school workout routines on TikTok, so get in on the 80s fun.
  • Cher Fitness Hot Dance- Celebs loved sharing their fitness routines with fans back in the 80s and 90s and Cher was one of them. You can “Turn Back Time” with the diva and her unique look from that era with this workout.
  • Cindy Crawford “Shape Your Body”- Channel your inner supermodel as you workout with Cindy in this artsy fitness video.
  • Alyssa Milano’s Teen Steam Workout- This sweat sesh is geared for a younger set and even includes some fantasy music video dance sequences for your viewing pleasure.

Source: She Knows

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