Calories Don't Count on Eat What You Want Day!

Stay up to date with the top things going on in entertainment each day with Nate's 3 Things at 3:45 and 5:45 PM on 92.9 Tom FM!

1. Jessica Biel shared the secret to keeping her marriage to Justin Timberlake alive after 10 years and gives him the credit.

“He always says to me ‘We might be married, but we have to keep dating’” Biel told reporters at the premiere of her new Hulu true-crime miniseries “Candy.”

The show is now on Hulu, dropping a new episode every day this week until the finale on Friday.

2. May 11th National Eat What You Want Day! No Diets, No Guilt, No to your mama screaming at you to put the cookie down because today it’s all about you’re taste buds! Think of your favorite foods and prepare those stomachs that have been working so hard for the perfect summer-time bod!

3. A new Robert Half survey finds 41% of professionals admit to being more burned out now than they were a year ago. 35% of workers say the feel uncomfortable discussing their burnout with bosses.

Workers suffering the most burnout include Gen Z, Tech workers and women.

While 78% of workers they now have the ability to set their own work schedule, 70% of them say they are actually working more hours now than pre-pandemic.

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