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Reasons to Give Up Sugar

As hard as  it may be to do, quitting sugar offers a lot of health benefits It can  make your skin healthier, help you sleep better and improve your memory  It will also decrease your risk of getting diabetes and improve your  heart health.  

While there’s no doubt that sugar is delicious, at this point most  people know that it’s actually really, really bad for you. It’s also  pretty addicting which is why it’s often hard to quit the sugar habit no  matter how much you may went to.

 But quitting sugar offers folks a lot of health benefits, many they  probably don’t even know about, and once they do it may be a little  easier to get yourself to say no to that sweet once and for all.

 Here are some health reasons that may get you to say goodbye to sugar once and for all:

 Your skin will get healthier – Cutting back on sugar  can do wonders for your skin, because your immune system will no longer  be trying to kill bacteria in cogged pores. Plus one study showed that  even cutting out just one sugar drink a day can decrease inflammation  levels.

 Improved sleep – Folks feel sluggish when they crash  from too much sugar, leading them to reach fore more which interrupts  their sleep patterns. If you eliminate the sugar spikes, you’ll improve  your sleep.

 Improved memory – sugar can impair learning, with a  UCLA study suggesting it can damage brain synapses, which allows cells  to communicate and store data.

 You decrease the chances of diabetes – Folks who eat  extra calories from sugar are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with  Type 2 diabetes in their lives, while if those extra calories came from  fat or protein there was no increased risk for diabetes.

 You’ll have a healthy heart – A study showed that  folks who eat 25% of their calories from sugar have a 30% increased risk  of dying from heart disease. It is recommended that only 5% of a  person’s daily calories come from sugar.

 Source: New York Post

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