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Spectacular Things to See During Solar Eclipse

Ahead of Monday’s solar eclipse, National Geographic has compiled this list of five amazing things you’ll be able to see during the phenomenon:

  1. Diamond ring effect:  About 15 seconds before the moon completely covers the sun, only a tiny  crescent of sunshine is left and the sun’s faint upper atmosphere  begins to come into view. Around this time, the sliver of bright  sunlight transitions into a stunning burst around the sun’s edge to  create a diamond ring effect. 
  2. Baily’s beads: In the  final seconds before and after totality, a series of white glowing dots  of sunlight known as Baily’s beads--named for astronomer Francis  Baily--appear along the edge of the moon’s silhouette. 
  3. Solar flares:  Just as the moon begins to totally cover up the sun, titanic flares  called solar prominences become visible and peek out from the edge of  the darkening disc.
  4. The corona: The moments when the moon  fully covers the sun is the only time people on Earth can see the  corona--the pastel-colored rings around the sun--without special  equipment. 
  5. Planets and stars: On August 21, Venus and  Jupiter will appear the brightest, as they will sit nearly halfway  across the open sky during the eclipse. Mars and Mercury will be much  closer to the sun and visible. 

Source:  National Geographic

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