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North Pole Post Mark

When your little ones writes their wish list for Santa this year, if  you hurry and get it in the mail, you can ensure that letter gets a  personal response from Old St. Nick himself. All you have to do is mail  the letter to Anchorage and the Post Office will take care of getting it postmarked from the North Pole to send back to your kids.

See, Santa has helpers working everywhere, even at the Anchorage post  office! Here’s what his helpers there need parents to do to get Santa’s  letter back to your kid, straight from the North Pole.

Have your little one write a letter to Santa and address the envelope to “Santa Claus, North Pole.”

  • Secretly open the letter later so your kiddo doesn’t know and write a personalized response from Santa to your child.
  • Put the response in an envelope addressed to your kid with a First-Class Mail stamp and the return address: “Santa, North Pole.”
  • Put the completed envelope with the response into a bigger envelope with the correct postage and send it ASAP to:

North Pole Postmark Postmaster

4141 Postmark Drive

Anchorage, AK 99530-9998

The USPS recommends making the response from Santa to your kids as  personal as possible, so be sure to include details about things they’ve  done this year. And your letter needs to be received by the Anchorage  postmaster by December 15 for them to send back the letter with the  North Pole postmark. So to make this magic happen, you’d better hustle.

Source: The Stir

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