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Opossum Gets Drunk After Breaking Into Liquor Store

Employees at Cash’s Liquor Store in Fort Walton Beach went back to  work the day after Thanksgiving and discovered a strange sight: an  opossum next to a broken and empty bottle of bourbon. Owner Cash Moore  told Northwest Florida Daily News this was the first time he’s  experienced an opossum break-in at his business.

“She came in from the outside and was up in the rafters, and when she  came through she knocked a bottle of liquor off the shelf,” Moore told  Northwest Florida Daily. “When she got down on the floor she drank the  whole damn bottle.”

Michelle Pettis, a technician at Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge, said  the female opossum, who was brought in by a police officer, appeared  pale and disoriented and was salivating excessively. 

“A worker there  found the opossum up on a shelf next to a cracked open bottle of liquor  with nothing in it,” Pettis told the newspaper. “Assuming the opossum  drank it all, he brought her to us, and we looked over her and she  definitely wasn’t fully acting normal.”

The staff pumped the marsupial with fluids to flush out the alcohol  in her system. She sobered up in a few days and was released on Thursday  unharmed. The opossum also appeared to have escaped a dreadful  hangover, according to Pettis. It’s still unclear how the animal broke  into Cash’s. Pettis described the animal as “fairly large.”

The refuge center posted on its Facebook page Friday a photo of the  opossum with the caption: “On the first day of Christmas, my true love  gave to me: a drunk opossum in a box! This sly, and currently slurred,  opossum snuck its way into a liquor store and discovered some holiday  cheer of its own. A police officer brought the animal to us for medical  treatment and is expected to be released soon.”

Source:  New York Post

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