If you can keep a big secret, there may be an opening at a “hush hush” airline for you.A non-existent airline, run by the U.S. government, is looking to hire a top-secret flight attendant. Janet airlines runs a secretive operation out of a heavily-guarded terminal at Las Vegas' McCarran International Airport.
Only the people who have a reason to be on one of the flights know where they go, and even then, maybe not.It's rumored that the planes ferry workers to destinations like Area 51 and other secret military destinations. While some joke that Janet stands for "Just Another Non-Existent Terminal," it may mean "Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation.
"The job opening, posted on an airline website, calls for level-headed and clear thinking individuals, ideally with an active top secret clearance. If you don’t have that clearance, you can certainly try and apply for one, but be prepared for some serious vetting.
Source: Business Insider