We’ve all heard time and time again about the gender pay gap, where women are getting paid less than men in the workplace. But even though that’s true, there are some places were women are still fairing pretty well in the office.A new Smartasset report reveals the Cities Where Women Are Most Successful, looking at data on six factors:
Percent of women with bachelor’s degrees
Median earnings for full-time working womenPercent of businesses owned by womenWomen’s unemployment rate
Average housing cost as a percent of a full-time working woman’s incomePercent of women with high incomes
What they found was that gals in Arlington, Virginia have it the best, with women in the area bringing home on average over $80,200 a year.
What’s more, close to 57% of women earn at least $75,000 a year, with gals making up 38.6% of people working in their own private businesses.
The Washington, DC area actually seems to be pretty good for women overall, with three cities making the Top Ten, Arlington, Alexandria Virginia and Washington, DC itself.
Top Ten Cities Where Women Are Most Successful
1. Arlington, VA
2. Scottsdale, AZ
3. Madison, WI
4. San Francisco, CA (tie)
4. Alexandria, VA (tie)
6. Raleigh, NC
7. Minneapolis, MN
8. Washington, DC
9. Plano, TX
10. Denver, CO
Source: Smartasset