A college student from Boston has earned himself a free trip to the British Island of Jersey after accidentally joining the wrong Facebook group. Joe Hill mistakenly joined the Facebook group “Good or Bad Jersey Businesses” several years back. Though he can’t recall why, he’d just assumed the page was for the American state of New Jersey and he thought “might as well learn more about New Jersey.”
Soon, Hill noticed that members of the group were using British slang and eventually realized the group was for the Island of Jersey on the English Channel. It's used by its residents to review the businesses on the island. Hill admits that he tried leaving the group, but kept getting added back in.
- Then came this post: “This is my favorite Facebook group. I've been in it for 4 years now and live in North America," Hill wrote. "Idk how I ended up in here but I had previously never heard of Jersey and still only have the foggiest idea of where it is. But if anyone ever asks me I can tell them where not to get their car fixed in Jersey.”
- That honesty soon gained 1,500 likes and 356 comments, which prompted member Alex Dolan to start a GoFundMe page to raise money for Hill and his girlfriend to visit Jersey - the island.
The page raised $1,600 in the first week. Hill and his girlfriend soon found themselves staying in a hotel Dolan owns where they received free food, drink, and accommodation while getting to explore the island. “It feels like it was all a dream,” says Hill. “We are definitely planning to return. We really loved this country and the people there who made it feel like home, and we can’t wait to go back...perhaps for good.” Hill and his girlfriend plan to return the favor and host Dolan and his girlfriend in Boston.
Source: The Boston Globe