Rodney Smith says he’s on a journey called “50 States, 50 Lawns,” and it’s exactly what it sounds like. The Alabama man plans to travel to each and every state and mow a yard, but not just any yard. He plans to help out someone in need, someone who’s elderly, disabled, a veteran or a single mom.
So far, Smith has done yardwork in four states and he admits that he didn’t like to cut grass as a kid, but after helping an elderly man he saw struggling to finish mowing his yard, his perspective changed. It inspired Smith to start the Raising Men Lawn Care Service, which cuts lawns for needy folks at no charge.
The service aims to encourage young people to pitch in an help neighbors in need. His goal is to get the kids involved to mow 50 yards for others and he’s setting a great example with his 50 states mission.
Source: AJC