Photo: Kyle McMahon / Mac Media
This Saturday April 30th, join iHeartRadio's Kyle McMahon for PanCAN's PurpleStride Delaware 2022 in Wilmington Delaware
This Saturday April 30th 2022, join me and thousands of others as we raise money to put an end to pancreatic cancer with PanCAN's PurpleStride Delaware 2022. Not near Delaware? There are PanCAN PurpleStride 2022 events all over the country this Saturday, as Survivors of Pancreatic Cancer and they're loved ones and supporters walk to our goal!
It's totally free to register!
PanCAN PurpleStride Delaware 2022
Saturday April 30th, 2022
Tubman Garrett Riverfront Park
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Photo: Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN)
Check out Kyle McMahon and subscribe to the Pop Culture Weekly podcast. You can follow him on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Rizzle , TikTok and Instagram.