Daily Do Good: Postal Worker Helps Reunite Missing Man With Family

A New Mexico postal worker helps reunite a missing elderly man with his family. Mary McCarty arrived early to her job at the Post Office in Animas, New Mexico, and noticed a man was wandering around the parking lot with his dog. There are only about 200 people in Animas, so Mary knew the man was from out of town. Concerned for him, she approached him to see if he needed help.

The man told Mary that his name was Glenn French and that he’d driven there from New York, his Jeep had run out of gas, and he’d walked through the desert all night. Mary sensed right away that Glenn had memory issues, so she sat him down, got some water for him and his dog, checked his vitals, and then called the sheriff’s office. They soon learned that a couple hours west in Sierra Vista, Arizona, Glenn’s family had been desperately looking for their 68-year-old grandfather after he disappeared the day before.

The sheriff contacted Glenn’s daughter Christy Zoumis to let her know that thanks to Mary, her father had been found and was safe. “When I finally got to talk to his daughter, we had this instant connection,” Mary recalls. “She kept telling me I saved her dad's life.” And Mary didn’t stop at just rescuing Glenn, she also located his Jeep for the family. Mary says the episode turned out to be a “beautiful experience,” that she’s gained some new friends from. They’ve already made plans to have an annual picnic to mark the day that their paths first crossed.

Source: ABC 15

USA, New Jersey, Jersey City, Female postal worker holding letter

Photo: Getty Images

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