Daily Do Good: Dad & Daughter Reunite After 46 Years Thanks To Social Media

A father and daughter have finally reunited after 46 years apart. Lavania LakitaLynn Lumpkins was born in Cleveland, Ohio, but at the age of two, her mother moved south, and they eventually settled in Tuskegee, Alabama. Over the years, her dad, Marvin Lumpkins, tried to find her, but with only a phone book and word of mouth to go on, he had no success. He only recently learned that his daughter had been looking for him, too.

Once she was an adult, Lavania started searching for her dad. She attempted to find him through social media, but had to sort through lots of people with the same name. After writing to many Marvin Lumpkins on Facebook, she finally found the right profile and got the response she’d been hoping for. Marvin confirmed her identity by asking about her middle name, "LakitaLynn," which was unique to their family.

After finding each other online, Marvin drove from his home in West Virginia to Decatur, Alabama, to finally reunite with his daughter. The emotional reunion included getting to meet his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Both Marvin and Lavania expressed their joy at finding one another. Marvin is planning to visit his new family often and has pledged that they’ll never be separated again.

Source: WHNT

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Photo: luchezar / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

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