Miller Lite Has a New "Digital, Beer-Pouring Fireplace"

This is a holiday decoration you'll need to hide from Santa . . .



Miller Lite is releasing a limited-edition "YuleLager," which they describe as a "digital, beer-pouring fireplace."



It's basically a piece of "furniture" itself . . . and doesn't connect with an actual fireplace. It includes a custom LED screen that makes it look like you've got a real fire going, along with a custom audio track of crackling fire.



It also holds beer . . . specifically Miller Lite, assuming that's your thing.



You can store cans below the screen, and when you're ready to celebrate, you can pour the beers into a clear, insulated tube that looks like a chimney . . . and then there's a spout at the bottom to dispense it.


Unfortunately . . .  this thing is not going to be widely available. They're releasing it this Friday in their online store, while supplies last. 



They only made 50 of these things, and they'll set you back a whopping $250.



If you miss out, they have made their "YuleLager" fire available for streaming on YouTube. It's on a NINE-HOUR loop, so you can keep it going all night.



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