Study: Trying To Be Happy Is Making Us Miserable

We all want to be happy, but trying too hard to achieve it could actually have the opposite effect. New research suggests that the more people try to pursue happiness, the less content they really are.

For the study, a team of researchers from the University of Toronto surveyed hundreds of people and had them do a series of group tasks.

  • While participants had to do things like eat chocolate and complete mental challenges, the researchers found that those hyper focused on improving their mood tended to give in to their impulses more often and quit more.
  • But why does trying to be happy make us so unhappy? Study authors suggest it could be that constantly seeking happiness “depletes” mental resources, especially willpower and self-control.
  • As a result, we’re more vulnerable to temptation and to making the kind of choices that make us less happy.
  • Researchers say it could be a result of being tired and stressed from the mental exertion and pressure of seeking happiness.

"The pursuit of happiness is a bit like a snowball effect,” explains study co-author Sam Maglio. “You decide to try making yourself feel happier, but then that effort depletes your ability to do the kinds of things that make you happier.” He offers some advice for actually boosting happiness that sounds contradictory. “Just chill. Don’t try to be super happy all the time,” Maglio advises. “Instead of trying to get more stuff you want, look at what you already have and just accept it as something that gives you happiness.”

Source: Huff Post

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